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create .xml reports on every System in the AD


first of, not sure if i post this in the right place here, if not im sorry Big Grin

im trying to find a way to create .xml reports of every System in an Active Directory.

so far ive just been messing with executing it via .batch or .ps1, but so far im unable to work around the confirmation/compatabilty-mode-warning.
can anyone help me with that?

right now im just working with a shortcut that automatically executes the reportcreation+naming the file as the systems name. but doing that in networks with 20+ pcs is a bit annoying.
also if i try multiple arguments when executing siw.exe i get bluescreens, is that even possible, if yes how do i have to seperate arguments in the shortcut/script so i dont get bluescreens?

best regards

(04-16-2020 02:17 AM)michaeln Wrote:  hi,

first of, not sure if i post this in the right place here, if not im sorry Big Grin

im trying to find a way to create .xml reports of every System in an Active Directory.

so far ive just been messing with executing it via .batch or .ps1, but so far im unable to work around the confirmation/compatabilty-mode-warning.
can anyone help me with that?

right now im just working with a shortcut that automatically executes the reportcreation+naming the file as the systems name. but doing that in networks with 20+ pcs is a bit annoying.
also if i try multiple arguments when executing siw.exe i get bluescreens, is that even possible, if yes how do i have to seperate arguments in the shortcut/script so i dont get bluescreens?

best regards

Please use the latest version of SIW.
I cannot help you with Active Directory.

i found a way to do this:
1. go into the root directory of your DC, create a folder -> properties -> security -> add "everyone"
2. copy SIW Portable into that directory
3. create a powershellscript:
Set-Location \\"your DC"\"the new folder"\SIWPortable
$b = hostname
\\"your DC"\"the new folder"\SIWPortable\siw.exe /log:xml[=$b /silent

the set location command is there for good measure lol

4.create a grouppolicy -> computerconfig -> policy -> windowssettings -> scripts -> start -> add the powershellscript you created
5. restart all PCs/Servers
6. when you are done, remove "everyone" from the security setting!

so you can close this thread.

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