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When using version 9.0.0115 Eureka does not display passwords when dragging the button over password fields.  If I switch to using v7.2.0420 Eureka works as intended.  I am running both versions from a USB drive.  Can anyone shed some light on this please.

(05-03-2019 04:29 AM)PCFXR Wrote:  When using version 9.0.0115 Eureka does not display passwords when dragging the button over password fields. If I switch to using v7.2.0420 Eureka works as intended. I am running both versions from a USB drive. Can anyone shed some light on this please.

I'm unable to reproduce it; I tried Total Commander, WinSCP, mRemoteNG. The passwords are visible in Eureka! window. Which program doesn't work with SIW 2019 but works with SIW 2017?

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