I have it translated by Google Translate My concern. I hope you understand my Problem.
I have a little problem with the delivery of reports by e-mail through an Exchange 2010.
I use the following command:
c:\siw\siw.exe /log:xml=c:\SIW\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml /nologo /[email protected] /subject="Message from %USERNAME% (%USERDOMAIN%)" /body="Report for %COMPUTERNAME%" /smtp=exchsrv1.customerdomain.local /smtpUser=SIW /smtpPass=xxxxx /smtpFrom="[email protected]" /nodelete /zip
The mail is generated, but rejected by the Receive connector with error 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender
The set of permission ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept Authoritative Domain Sender helped in this case NOT, it still had the right ms-exch-smtp-accept-any-sender for organization foreign mails are registered and which is so not wished.
In the emails arriving falls on the views of the sender that there is something wrong: Normally there should be "[email protected] <[email protected]>". It is there, however: "siw@ <customer domain.de [email protected]> "
That is probably the reason why Exchange does not recognize the address as one of its addresses.
How can i fix this?
Kind regards.
I have it translated by Google Translate My concern. I hope you understand my Problem.
I have a little problem with the delivery of reports by e-mail through an Exchange 2010.
I use the following command:
c:\siw\siw.exe /log:xml=c:\SIW\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml /nologo /[email protected] /subject="Message from %USERNAME% (%USERDOMAIN%)" /body="Report for %COMPUTERNAME%" /smtp=exchsrv1.customerdomain.local /smtpUser=SIW /smtpPass=xxxxx /smtpFrom="[email protected]" /nodelete /zip
The mail is generated, but rejected by the Receive connector with error 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender
The set of permission ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept Authoritative Domain Sender helped in this case NOT, it still had the right ms-exch-smtp-accept-any-sender for organization foreign mails are registered and which is so not wished.
In the emails arriving falls on the views of the sender that there is something wrong: Normally there should be "[email protected] <[email protected]>". It is there, however: "siw@ <customer domain.de [email protected]> "
That is probably the reason why Exchange does not recognize the address as one of its addresses.
How can i fix this?

Kind regards.