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Siw don't work in LAN

- i've disabled Antivirus/antimalware in Server and in Client (Kaspersky).
- i've shared the SIW directory with Everyone, full control, path \\nameserver\siw
- i've created Siw.bat with parameters:  

\\NAMESERVER\siw\SIW.exe /s:1 + 4 /h:0 /n:0 /silent /log:csv=\\NAMESERVER\siw\PREFIX-%ComputerName%.csv

If I run the script on server "Psexec64 \\NAMEPC -u NAMEDOMANI\Administrator -p DOMAINADMINPASSWORD -d -f -e -c \\NAMESERVER\siw\SIW.bat

the system return: "SIW.bat started on NAMEPC with process ID XXXXXX

But the file .csw don't appera in NAMESERVER\SIW.......

I've done wrong anything?????


(12-03-2020 09:56 AM)cmazzolai Wrote:  Hi,
- i've disabled Antivirus/antimalware in Server and in Client (Kaspersky).
- i've shared the SIW directory with Everyone, full control, path \\nameserver\siw
- i've created Siw.bat with parameters:  

\\NAMESERVER\siw\SIW.exe /s:1 + 4 /h:0 /n:0 /silent /log:csv=\\NAMESERVER\siw\PREFIX-%ComputerName%.csv

If I run the script on server "Psexec64 \\NAMEPC -u NAMEDOMANI\Administrator -p DOMAINADMINPASSWORD -d -f -e -c \\NAMESERVER\siw\SIW.bat

the system return: "SIW.bat started on NAMEPC with process ID XXXXXX

But the file .csw don't appera in NAMESERVER\SIW.......

I've done wrong anything?????


Please try the following steps:
  • replace SIW.exe with siw64.exe
  • remove /silent
  • remove + 4

Thank you for the reply...

I've tried with your advices...

But nothing.

It seems that Windows block the execution, i've inserted SIW between softwares authorized.... but nothing yet...

Locally go well....

(12-04-2020 08:55 AM)cmazzolai Wrote:  Thank you for the reply...

I've tried with your advices...

But nothing.

It seems that Windows block the execution, i've inserted SIW between softwares authorized.... but nothing yet...

Locally go well....

Please check the syntax for the psexec command.
Start with something simple, like remotely running cmd.exe


updatet Siw.bat, I copy the executables in the remote client... i don't find why it don't work in network..... and then delete them....

I don't be able to have a single file....

md C:\temporary\SIW

timeout /t 2

c:\temporary\siw\SIW.exe /s:1 /h:0 /n:0 /silent /log:csv=\\REMOTESERVER\registered\%ComputerName%-Sistema.csv

timeout /t 10

c:\temporary\siw\SIW.exe /s:4 /h:0 /n:0 /silent /log:csv=\\REMOTESERVER\registered\%ComputerName%-Applicazioni.csv

timeout /t 10

c:\temporary\siw\SIW.exe /s:1073741824 /h:0 /n:0 /silent /log:csv=\\REMOTESERVER\registered\%ComputerName%-licenze.csv

timeout /t 20

rd C:\temporary /S /Q

PSWxec: with parameter -h (elevated tocken) seems  go well...

Hi all

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