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Local Users & Groups

I noticed in the newer versions of SIW that you can no longer select "Local Groups" and "Local Users" as options. Is there any way to force SIW, when generating a report, to exclude all domain users and groups? It makes the resulting report gigantic and I only want to see the local users and groups. Thanks!

(05-12-2013 06:26 PM)mosipd Wrote:  I noticed in the newer versions of SIW that you can no longer select "Local Groups" and "Local Users" as options. Is there any way to force SIW, when generating a report, to exclude all domain users and groups? It makes the resulting report gigantic and I only want to see the local users and groups. Thanks!

It is not possible to select only "Local Groups" and "Local Users".

(05-13-2013 07:27 AM)gtopala Wrote:  
(05-12-2013 06:26 PM)mosipd Wrote:  I noticed in the newer versions of SIW that you can no longer select "Local Groups" and "Local Users" as options. Is there any way to force SIW, when generating a report, to exclude all domain users and groups? It makes the resulting report gigantic and I only want to see the local users and groups. Thanks!

It is not possible to select only "Local Groups" and "Local Users".

SIW 2014 allows it.

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