10-18-2017, 11:14 AM
I have created a batch file, that I keep on a USB stick. if I run it on a Windows 10 machine, the log files are not being created, however they do appear to be getting created on a Windows 7 machine.
I have a subdirectory "logs" in the folder where the SIW.EXE file and the batch file are located
my batch file:
is anyone else experiencing this?
I have a subdirectory "logs" in the folder where the SIW.EXE file and the batch file are located
my batch file:
@echo off
set /p name= Enter PCID Name:
echo Reading Data, Please wait...
siw.exe /log:csv=logs\%name%_siw.txt /ftp=ftp.mysite.com /ftpUser=ftpuser /ftpPass=ftpuser /silent /s:1073741825 /h:1185739